Hosting an Event

Town of Golden Facilities

To book a Town facility contact Recreation Services by email or by phone at 250-344-7011. Please allow up to two business days for replies to booking inquiries.

Learn about Town facilities.

Public Spaces

A Temporary License of Occupation (TLO) gives legal authority for a business, individual, or group to utilize public property in order to carry out specific activities.


These activities can include outdoor restaurants, bar patios, sidewalk cafes, merchant displays, food trucks, raffle stands, charity barbeques, street performers, faires, parades, weddings, sporting events and Farmers Markets.


These all require the use of public space such as sidewalks, boulevards, rights of way, parks and parking spaces. As these public spaces were built by and for the public through taxation, businesses and occupiers of these public spaces must come with terms and conditions, which may include payment for the use of the space.

Online TLO Application Form

TLO Application Form 

Once you have completed the PDF application form you can email it to Corporate Services or print it and either bring it or mail it to our office for processing. We require the signed application form before we can start the TLO application process. You can get insurance for your event online by visiting

Review the TLO Policy